Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adina Croitoru

"Titu Maiorescu" University of Medicine, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adina Croitoru

Adina Croitoru is Associate Professor at Titu Maiorescu University and Head of the Department of Medical Oncology at the Fundeni Clinical Institute, involved primarily in the treatment of digestive malignancies. She has published 37 full-text papers in ISI or BDI journals as author and coauthor. She participated in 4 international grants and projects held in Fundeni Clinical Institute and principal investigator in more than 40 international trials. She had many presentations in national and international conferences. She was part of the steering committee for the publication of two international trials results. She founded and organized the department of medical oncology at the Fundeni Clinical Institute. She is a member in several Romanian(SNOMR) and international societies (ESMO, ASCO, ENETS, etc).

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